Fashion Mamas Teamed Up with Alltruists to Teach Kids: All Are Welcome!

Photos: David Coe

On Thursday, May 12, Fashion Mamas partnered with Alltruists for an afternoon of socially-conscious learning that was equal parts fun and impact. We were delighted to host an organization that supports the aim of something we all want as mamas: to see our children grow into caring, empathetic, and conscious human beings. 

Alltruists took over the Clubhouse to gift our mamas their Welcome a Ukrainian Refugee Child box. Inside each box members and their kids found various activities that pair age-appropriate learning materials with fun crafts and activities. The best part? The crafts weren’t just for the kiddos. The drawstring bags, welcome cards, and friendship bracelets they made will eventually make their way into the hands of a newly-arrived refugee child in Los Angeles. Alltruists worked closely with Miry’s List for this box to make sure this is possible. 

The afternoon flew by making these boxes while enjoying some light bites and refreshments. We had Dream Pops, GoGo Squeez, and SunButter available for the kids and for the parents we offered Sound sparkling water. And everyone satisfied their thirst with Boxed Water who ensured our mission to welcome refugees also helps the planet. 

Huge thanks to the children for working so hard on these boxes and to Alltruists for bringing these boxes into existence! Everybody who left our Clubhouse that day heard the message loud and clear : All Are Welcome!