Member Spotlight: Mom Crush Monday Founder Destiney Green

Destiney Green of Mom Crush Monday is motivation embodied. From posting empowering quotes and affirmations on Instagram to showcasing her family's impeccable style on her blog, Green really gets what it means to produce effective and engaging content that keep readers coming back for more. In an effort to help business-minded mamas reach similar success while creating their own unique paths, she's also launched a platform called Majoring in Motherhood. She's also a Fashion Mamas Global member, holding it down for us in Salt Lake City, Utah. Although Honor's mama is one busy woman, she found the time to catch up with us and give us the scoop on all things biz, beauty, and style.

What do you do, and what has been your career journey thus far?

I'm the content creator of Mom Crush Monday, and founder of Majoring in Motherhood where we challenge moms to be the best version of themselves in both business and motherhood.

I'm working on a few other business ventures for 2017, and I’m endlessly inspired by that evolving journey. Honestly, I had no idea that my blog would open so many doors, but there’s not a day that goes by that I’m not grateful for it.

Inspiring! What is the name and age of your little one?

My fireball is named Honor, and she is four years old.

What is a typical workday like for you, from the moment you wake up?

One of the things I absolutely love about what I do, is that it’s rarely boring. I’m always getting the opportunity to do different things, and my schedule can vastly vary depending on what project I’m pursuing that day.

I find that because of that, it’s important to also keep myself grounded and focused with a basic routine for the things that don’t change. I make a point to meditate for 10 minutes when I wake up, write down my to-do list for that day, work out, and then get H ready for school. That foundation in the morning usually sets me up for success throughout the rest of the day.

What are your best tips for raising a child in Utah?

Ah, this is such a great question! Utah isn't very diverse, so it’s important for us to get out and immerse ourselves in different cultures. We attend festivals, step out of our comfort zone, travel and then travel some more, and take any opportunity to embrace the diversity that Utah so sadly lacks.

Favorite organizational tools/apps that help you balance work/mom life?

If you use social media for business like I do, Planoly is a great resource for scheduling and data tracking. I also use my Passion Planner religiously, and my iPhone calendar to schedule my day. I think it’s so important to stay organized when you are hustling both areas of your life so you don’t let things fall through the cracks.

Current favorite kids clothing brands?

Currently everything at Alex and Alexa — they are my go-to for Honor!

Current favorite grown-up clothing brands?

I’m for sure living in my Liverpool Jeans and Vici Dolls right now.

Beauty product you can't live without?

A good lipstick! It can totally change your mood and elevate your whole day.

Best advice for women who want to succeed in your field:

Work hard, give more than you take, and help the next woman below you. There is more than enough room for all of us to have a seat at the table.

Follow Destiney Green's adventures at @momcrushmonday.